As we are deep into the gala and fundraising event “season,” have you recently opened an event invitation and experienced the frustration of having the pieces fall out into a pile? You now need to sort through and organize all the pieces including the actual invitation, the RSVP card, response envelope, and the special inserts naming sponsors, the speaker, details about the venue and auction/raffle items.

kite-fold-die-cut-custom-inviIf you are responsible for, or on the committee, to create a memorable and compelling invitation for your gala or other event, you know how challenging it can be to effectively put together the pieces of the package puzzle.

Our team loves a good invitation package puzzle challenge. When Youth Haven came to us with an idea for an invitation that would be designed to look like a kite, we were intrigued. But we also were concerned about how to find enough space on the kite for a relatively large amount of content, as well as how we might fold the complicated kite design to fit it into an envelope. After thinking through and discussing several options, the solution to the puzzle evolved. We recommended that the kite be nestled into a square anchor piece. The bonus of having the anchor card was that the notches on one side held the kite invitation and the pocket on the other side could house several cleverly designed cards with the information related to the event. The piece provided more real estate for copy, as well as carrying the design—kite, sky and clouds look and feel—to pull everything together into a lovely and practical package. This solution also allowed all of the pieces fit into a standard-sized square envelope for easy mailing.

flower-die-cut-grommet-bound-invitationAnother puzzle was solved for The League Club for their Naples Tables invitation which included details for not just one, but for two different events. The solution we recommended utilized a grommet to hold together several elements of the package, which were designed to look like plates on a flowered tablecloth. The design, in keeping with their fundraiser which features unique tablescapes, tied the pieces together—quite literally with the grommet—with the package conveniently fitting into a standard square envelope.

If you are puzzling over your event invitation package, contact us for an “invitation package puzzle” consultation. If you’d like to see more examples of our work, please check out our Instagram page.

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